The PRP Facelift is a non-surgical out-patient procedure developed to rejuvenate the skin quickly while enhancing volume. The PRP Facelift uses the skin’s inherent healing properties and a hyaluronic acid dermal filler combined with growth factors extracted from your own blood to produce a youthful, glowing, and revitalized complexion.

Areas that can be treated include:

  • “Bunny lines” or wrinkles on the nose
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Frown lines & Smile Lines
  • Marionette Lines
  • Sunken cheeks

A gentle set of injections are strategically implemented to reduce deep-set lines, add volume and contour, and create a smoother look to the skin. The PRP Facelift is composed of a combination of hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM)—a thicker form of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

The platelet-rich fibrin matrix is extracted through a blood draw (think of a common blood test) from the patient’s own blood and then mixed with other components. The fibrin is then separated in a centrifuge to prepare for re-injection. This nearly painless procedure is used in the medical field for wound care and severe skin wounds. It produces results because it effectively stimulates the production of collagen and for tissue regeneration.

In some cases, patients see results on the same day; These results continue to improve as the skin continues to heal and produce collagen for months. And, in many cases, results can last up to a year.

To receive a complimentary consultation with Dr. Terrell, please contact us or fill out our form.