Dermaplaning at Terrell Clinic—Soft, Supple Skin without the Downtime

Interested in a quick, effective, and noticeable skin refresher? Dermaplaning is a great solution for achieving a smoother skin texture and revealing new, healthy cells as well as amping up your natural glow.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an exfoliation treatment that must be conducted by a trained professional. A sterile surgical blade is used to gently remove dead skin cells from the outermost layer of the skin. This treatment immediately results in a smoother, brighter complexion as well as the elimination of pesky peach fuzz, which often causes the skin to appear more textured or even prevents makeup from being applied evenly.

Dermaplaning, alone, can be used to create a flawless canvas that allows for more even, fluid application of makeup and deeper penetration of skincare products recommended by Terrell Clinic. In many cases, we will also recommend using dermaplaning as a pre-emptive priming tool to optimize additional procedures, such as laser treatments or chemical peels.

Who can benefit from Dermaplaning?

Truly, dermaplaning can be an ideal treatment for patients with young, supple skin for maintenance and promotion of healthy skin as well as those suffering from aging skin. Dermaplaning is exceedingly effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars while leaving skin smooth, supple and vibrant.

It is a highly recommended by Terrell Clinic as dermaplaning is non-invasive, requires zero downtime, and all skin types can benefit! However, those suffering from acne flare-ups or cystic acne should wait until the skin has calmed and cleared before receiving this treatment.

What can I expect during and after the dermaplaning treatment?

First, our professionally trained practitioner gently cleanses the skin in preparation for the treatment. She then pulls the skin taught and lightly, but swiftly scrapes the dead skin cells and peach fuzz off the face.

Immediately following the Dermaplaning Facial, you can expect slight redness and sensitivity to the sun; therefore, we always recommend applying a non-pore-clogging sunblock with at least 30 SPF.

Typically, appointments last up to 30 minutes and are scheduled every 4 weeks.

Interested in learning more about dermaplaning?

Want to book an appointment? Reach out using our form or call us at 1-405-302-0060.