Rejuvenate Dull, Aging Skin with the Ground-Breaking Platelet Rich Plasma Facial Rejuvenation

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) facial rejuvenation has become widely recognized as an effective means for boosting the skin’s regenerative powers by utilizing the patient’s own blood. The treatment revives and produces new collagen and elastin for healthy, younger-looking skin. Many patients report the results to be similar to the look and feel of a facelift with typical results ranging from smoother, firmer skin to a rosier complexion.

What does the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial Rejuvenation treat?

As we age, skin can begin to appear worn, droopy, more textured, and even gray in tone. Typically, this is caused by reduced blood circulation to the face and decreased collagen production. PRP stimulates natural collagen growth for total facial rejuvenation rather than treating wrinkles individually. It is also able to tighten and firm areas that typical fillers may not be able to reach. This, in turn, is why the PRP Facial has become so popular for treating:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven texture and scarring
  • Fine lines and moderate to severe wrinkles
  • Sagging, droopy skin around the eyes, nasolabial folds, and jowls

You may have also seen the potential benefits of the platelet rich plasma process for hair restoration—another extremely effective means for regenerating new cells and restoring healthy hair.

How does the PRP Facial Rejuvenation work?

Blood is drawn from the patient and placed in a centrifuge, which will create platelet rich plasma (PRP) by separating the blood cells from the plasma and platelets. The PRP is then reinjected into the skin. These platelets are high in growth factors—vitamins and hormones required to stimulate the growth of living cells—and pose less risk of infection or an allergic reaction because they are drawn from the patient.

This process stimulates collagen and elastin production and aids in cell turnover. As we age, cell turnover slows dramatically and this treatment has been widely popular for reigniting that youthful, speedy natural process we lose over time.

What should I expect during and after the PRP facial? Does it hurt?

While the process is intensive and involves drawing blood and re-injecting platelet rich plasma back it into the face, it is relatively quick and most patients report very little discomfort during the procedure as well as minimal downtime. Immediately after the treatment, patients may experience mild redness, swelling, and in some cases, bruising, but all symptoms should fade within 3 days.

Patients typically begin to see results 3-4 weeks after treatment and their results continue to improve over time. In order to produce optimal results, 3 treatments scheduled 1-2 months apart are recommended. PRP Facial Rejuvenation can also be used in combination with Belotero Balance® , Botox®, the Eclipse Micropen, Juvéderm® XC, Radiesse®, and Xeomin® to meet individual patient needs. It is also suggested that a maintenance PRP Facial Rejuvenation be completed every 2 years.

Interested in learning more?

Schedule your consultation today by calling 405-302-0060.