PRP® Hair Restoration for Thinning Hair

Having a healthy head of hair can dramatically improve self-confidence for many people suffering from thinning hair. We understand how important a healthy head of hair is, not only to your overall appearance but to your self-esteem. While thinning hair is conventionally known as an issue men struggle with, it is very common for women to experience this as well.

Hair Loss in Men and Women

There are a variety of reasons hair loss occurs. Pregnancy, medication, stress, and aging. Some hair loss, like that experienced with pregnancy, stress, and certain medications, may only be a temporary side effect. In many cases, this can be temporary; however, if you feel this is an ongoing issue, we welcome you to visit for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Mendy Terrell.

PRP® Hair Restoration can be successful for both men and women. We’ve also worked with patients to produce results treating issues such as alopecia, eyebrow hypotrichosis and other patient cases with non-hereditary hair loss.

Common areas treated with  PRP® Hair Restoration

The PRP® Hair Restoration technique is a versatile tool in the treatment of hair loss for a number of causes including:

  • Alopecia
  • Male Pattern Hair Loss, early stages
  • Female Pattern Hair Loss, all stages
  • Eyebrows or beard
  • Iron deficiency and medication-induced hair loss

PRP® Hair Restoration and Platelet Rich Plasma

The PRP® Hair Restoration procedure uses your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which is then injected back into the scalp to stimulate new hair growth. The PRP micro-injections cause hair follicles to become healthier, stronger, and larger, producing thicker new hair growth. The growth factors in PRP promote rapid development of new blood vessels and localized cell growth. Treatments generally last 90 minutes after Dr. Terrell performs a simple blood draw. A local anesthetic is also used to numb the scalp.

Most often, patients experience a minimal level of pain. This can be relieved with non-narcotic pain relievers. New hair growth can become visible in as early as two months; however, new hair growth typically takes about four to eight months, continually improving up to a year after treatments.

For more information or a complimentary consultation, contact us or complete our form.