HCG Diet

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June Specials: The HCG Medical Weight Loss Program + The Energy Diet


This is your summer.

Join us for a journey through rapid weight loss during either our HCG Medical Weight Loss Program or The Energy Diet.

This Month Only!
$999, Regularly $1,300

We’ll work with you to determine the best program!

HCG Medical Weight Loss Program
Medical Grade HCG
Clinical Consultation
Weekly Weigh-Ins
Ongoing Coaching & Support
Learn More

The Energy Diet
Fat Burning & Energy Shots
Clinical Consultation
Weekly Weigh-Ins
Ongoing Coaching & Support
Learn More

Contact us at 405-302-0060 for a complimentary consultation or email us by clicking the button below.

April Services in Focus: Fillers and The Energy Diet

Liposuction OKC

Feel Your Best—From Head to Toe


Smooth fine lines, add contour, and restore your youthful shape. This special includes BELOTERO BALANCE®,   JUVÉDERM® XC, RADIESSE®, and fat transfers to the faceNow through April 30.

The Energy Diet—$250 Off This Month!

Need an energy boost? Shed weight while feeling free and ready to take on the world. This two month program is a tailored, monitored weight loss regimen that involves weekly energy and fat burning shots and weigh-ins. You’re not alone on this journey and you’ll feel fantastic!

April Only $1,050, Regular, $1,300

Contact us at 405-302-0060 for a complimentary consultation.

And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for updates and exclusive deals!

By |2017-05-12T13:32:46-06:00April 1st, 2016|HCG Diet, Liposuction, Monthly Services in Focus|

The 5 Phases of HCG

TC- The 5 Phases of HCG (Blog Header)


If you’re thinking about losing a lot of weight, and you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of doing it alone, our HCG Medically Monitored Weight Loss program is an ideal solution. Not only can you lose up to 40 pounds in 40 days, but we will be working with you as an individual to provide you with the tools, specific directions, and resources you need to succeed.

And through the end of July, we’re also offering $500 off to every new client who starts HCG (before July 31st). Jumpstart your new life, feel better than you have in years, and save big at the same time.

HCG may seem mysterious to you if you haven’t done it before, but it’s actually a pretty simple plan. You’ll follow three different phases to jumpstart your success and keep your body working toward your ultimate goal.


It seems counterintuitive, but the first phase of HCG involves eating more, not less. But only for 2-3 days. You’ll begin using HCG, and you’ll eat higher than normal portions of higher-fat foods. Some individuals find it beneficial to go without starches or carbs during the loading phase. Our custom support includes a plan for these two days that is tailored right to you!


This is the “traditional” phase of the plan that everyone thinks about when they hear HCG. In this phase you’ll continue using HCG, while adopting a protein-rich, low-carb diet, eating about 500 calories a day. We’ve got a library of recipes to help you stave off food boredom during this phase, which usually lasts 3–6 weeks.


During this 3-day period, you’ll transition off of the HCG, and you’ll continue to eat the 500-calorie diet as the rest of the HCG hormone leaves your system.


After you’ve transitioned off the HCG, you’ll maintain a low-carb diet while your body gets used to itself again! Keeping the weight off for three weeks shows that you’re ready to go to the last phase: Maintenance.


After you’ve lost weight and stabilized at your new weight on a low-carb diet, you can re-incorporate some foods with carbohydrates to see how your body responds. If certain foods cause you to gain weight, then you’ll have to evaluate whether they are worth it or not.

Once you’ve had the chance to maintain your new, lower body weight for a while, you may be ready to re-boot your HCG plan and lose even more weight! We’ll be here every time, ready to answer your questions, give you directions, and help you prepare for long-term success so you can ultimately do it on your own! Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’ll feel empowered, knowing what you’ve already accomplished.


If you go into the HCG Medical Weight Loss program without an understanding of the phases, you may not be emotionally and mentally prepared. Because it’s not just a physical change; there’s emotional and mental strengthening to be done. Knowing these phases, and having our team by your side throughout the whole process, sets you up for success.

Ready to get started? Give us a call today at 405-302-0060 and we’ll provide a free consultation if you’ve still got questions, or we’ll help you jump right in!

By |2017-05-12T13:32:50-06:00July 25th, 2015|HCG Diet|

Six Tips to Curb Cravings on the HCG Diet

white measuring tape and apple

Any change in diet and lifestyle comes with challenges. The HCG Medical Weight Loss Program will help you lose weight quickly and safely, however, it is common for many patients to experience some cravings at the onset of the diet. With support from our team and resources, we’ve got this covered and we’re here to help make this a positive, life-changing experience for you! Let’s start with beating those pesky cravings!

  1. Eat a pickle. Pickles can satisfy salty cravings. Both cucumbers and vinegar are on the approved list of foods for the diet, so this snack can help you get the crunch and sweet and salty flavors you desire. Be sure to purchase pickles with limited salt and sugar, however.

  2. Load up on lettuce. We know. It doesn’t sound glamorous, but lettuce has so few calories, yet contains great nutrients like fiber and vitamins and will help fill up your stomach. Stock up on spinach, chard, arugula and add some spices. Remind yourself that this clean eating is clearing your organs from toxins and giving you the life and energy that you need to succeed!

  3. Drink more water, but add some lemon or mint. Many of us confuse dehydration with hunger. At the onset of any craving or hunger pang, drink a glass of water with lemon or mint leaves. Water will also help fill up your stomach and keep you fuller until your next meal. We recommend consistently drinking water throughout the day, but also adding an additional glass (or more) a half hour after the morning dose of HCG, a half hour after lunch, and a half hour after dinner.

  4. Drink tea. Tea is approved on the HCG list of foods for intake and can naturally satisfy your cravings. Peppermint, spearmint, oolong, and yerba mate can help stave off hunger pangs and cravings. They are all said to be natural hunger suppressants and keep your blood sugar at a more even level. In addition, green tea contains catechins that help prevent the movement of glucose into fat cells. This slows blood sugar levels from rising and prevents high insulin and fat storage. Stevia can also help sweeten the tea and keep you satisfied.

  5. Eat your apple and savour it. Cut up an apple (included on the list of approved foods), and sprinkle some lemon juice or stevia to add some punch and sweeten your snack. Remember to eat it slowly and acknowledge the flavors and satisfying sweetness.
  6. Stay focused on the goal. Remind yourself that you are getting what you need from the planned HCG program list of foods and you have the support from Terrell Clinic to keep moving forward. While the science and body chemistry behind HCG are doing their part in this lifestyle change, your emotional eating habits are just as much a challenge. Use this time to recognize that we often reach for food out of boredom, anxiety, exhaustion, and even happiness. Take this old habit and relay the energy into a healthy, productive distraction. Take a walk around the block. Drink water. Call a friend. Call Terrell Clinic and enlist your support resources.

Most importantly, YOU can do this. You are on your way to a healthy weight, loads of energy, and a priceless feeling of empowerment. The limited calorie intake is temporary. Your attitude toward life and living and feeling your best will last much, much longer!

For support, or to learn more about the HCG Medical Weight Loss Program, call 405-302-0060. We are here for you!

By |2017-05-12T13:32:50-06:00July 17th, 2015|HCG Diet|

HCG Medical Weight Loss: Putting One Foot Forward with Clinical Support


Weight loss is a very personal challenge that goes far beyond simply doing.

For those of us who have struggled with weight issues, there is a very familiar song and dance. We know what we need to do—take in fewer calories and expend more—but this basic concept can actually be extremely overwhelming. Whether we are faced with having to lose just a few pounds, a genetic predisposition to obesity, lack of time, or any combination of biological or environmental challenges, putting one foot in front of the other and trusting in a new program can feel daunting.

Everyone is different, but we all share common challenges associated with successfully losing and keeping off excess weight:

  • What really works?

  • How do I keep myself motivated?

  • And, how do I turn a successful weight loss outcome into a long-term weight maintenance program?


Terrell Clinic developed the HCG Medical Weight Loss Program to help patients navigate their own individual issues with weight loss through established science and fully-customized support. Our tailored program helps patients significantly shift their outlook on how to set realistic goals, follow a structured program, and make a lifestyle change that meets their individual needs. The program addresses each of these common challenges by working one on one with the individual patient to develop a strategy revolving around unique biological factors, lifestyle, clinical guidance, tools, and education.


The HCG Diet has gained popularity throughout the country because it can work quickly and efficiently; however, there are many dieters that have tried an unmonitored version of it, succeeded, but rapidly gained the weight back shortly after finishing the final phase. Weight loss will occur for those who follow the plan as it is laid out step by step. The combination of a very low caloric intake and the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG activates abnormal fat stores to be metabolized by the body as energy. However, without clinical oversight, appropriate tools and guidance, the diet, alone, will not provide long-term, healthy weight loss. In addition, the quality and concentration of the prescribed HCG used in conjunction with the caloric suppression can play a role in weight loss success.

Healthy long-term weight loss is a life-long commitment and we want to ensure that you feel confident and enthusiastic throughout the process. If you’re considering Terrell Clinic’s HCG Medical Weight Loss Program, please take a look at some of our related services, browse our list of recipes and resources, and contact us for a free consultation.

Our work at Terrell Clinic is fueled by a passion for creating a safe, supportive environment, where patients have the tools and resources to look and feel their best. We are waiting to hear from you!

By |2017-05-12T13:32:50-06:00July 10th, 2015|HCG Diet|

July Specials

It’s never too late to look and feel your best this summer. This month, celebrate your shape by shedding the extra weight through Terrell Clinic’s HCG Medical Weight Loss Program. Our team provides the clinical guidance, resources, and premium-grade HCG required to lose weight quickly and safely.

Take a look at our July Special featuring a substantial discount for first-time program participants. Jumpstart your weight loss and learn how to maintain it through our guided program!

We’re waiting for that phone call! Give us a ring at 405-302-0060 and schedule your complimentary consultation today!


By |2017-05-12T13:32:50-06:00July 1st, 2015|HCG Diet, Monthly Services in Focus|

Medically Monitored Weight Loss: The Support and Tools You Need for Personal Success

While weight loss is continually a topic of discussion in the headlines and prevalent in everyday conversations, it is an extremely personal issue. There are countless diets on the market making promises that generally lead to rebound weight and disappointment. In most situations, a directed, tailored program is a far better alternative to “shelf-bought” diet plans because there is no single diet that can work for every body.

As a center for cosmetic surgery, Terrell Clinic focuses on the overall health of the body and recognizes that patients must feel confident on the inside as well as how they appear outward. Our goal is to provide patients with the tools and resources to develop healthy personal lifestyles, along with enhancing their inner and outer beauty. One of the ways in which we support our patients is through medically monitored weight loss plans.

Below, Dr. Terrell discusses some of the successes she has experienced with her clients participating in the highly individualized HCG Medical Weight Loss Plan:

“We meet with patients from all walks of life wanting to look and feel more comfortable in their own skin. We work with men and women who are looking for an option that truly works so that they can have freedom from food, feel energized, and increase their self-esteem. We have organized our unique program into three phases for maximum results, and patients following the HCG Medical Weight Loss program at Terrell Clinic will typically lose 30-40 pounds in the first 40 days of the diet.

Many patients feel overwhelmed or discouraged by the amount of weight that they have to lose, or from feeling as if they have to do it all on their own with ineffective yo-yo dieting. The reason I love HCG is because not only are patients able to lose excess weight quickly, but so many of them find hope in our program. We don’t just help them lose weight, we work with patients to develop the lifestyle changes and tools they need to help them maintain it. We believe that truly caring for a patient means setting them up for long term success in health and happiness, starting with our complimentary consultation and all the way through post-treatment maintenance support!”

—Mendy Terrell, MD, Chief Medical Officer

By |2017-05-12T13:32:51-06:00April 17th, 2015|HCG Diet|

Three Quick and Clean Protein-Packed Recipes for your HCG Journey


During the first phase of your HCG journey, it’s extremely important to prep your food in advance so that you don’t let your appetite spike and give in to those cravings. Because the HCG diet demands such low calorie intake, you will notice that the following recipes have very few ingredients. The important element to these recipes is the seasoning. It will help you tremendously on your weight loss program if you season these meals to your liking. As you sit down and enjoy the meal, savor every bite. Eat slowly and take in every morsel with an awareness of the clean, satisfying flavors that we have combined in these recipes.


HCG Phase and Stabilization Phase Friendly

This protein and fiber-packed recipe follows the caloric guidelines for Phase 2 of the HCG diet, while filling your belly and satisfying your taste-buds.

Ingredients include:

  • 3.5 oz (100 grams) of lean protein (either ground beef or chicken)
  • 2 c of water
  • 3.5 oz of cabbage
  • 3.5 oz ripe, red tomatoes

Seasonings (to taste)

  • 1 -2 cloves of crushed or minced garlic
  • 1 tsp of chili powder
  • 1 tsp of cumin, ground
  • 1 tsp of oregano
  • 1 tsp of thyme
  • Salt and pepper

Cooking Directions:
Brown meat and minced garlic by combining water and spices of your choice to the pan. Heat until the water is at a hot simmer and then add the cabbage. Once the cabbage becomes tender, add the tomatoes and continue to cook the mixture until the vegetables soften to your liking.

Servings per recipe: 1
Calories: 218
Total Fat: 5g
Cholesterol: 58mg
Sodium: 335mg
Total Carbs: 20g
Dietary Fiber: 8g
Protein: 28g


HCG Phase and Stabilization Phase Friendly

This simple recipe for good, old fashioned chicken soup will satisfy your comfort-food cravings and fill you up. In addition, we suggest preparing this recipe in bulk and freezing it in appropriate serving containers for easy access in the future.

Ingredients include:

  • 3.5 oz (100 grams) of chopped or diced Chicken Breast
  • ½ small diced onion
  • ½ c diced celery
  • 1 c chicken broth (fat free)
  • 1 c water (to taste)
  • 1 tsp basil
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp onion power
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • Tobasco sauce (optional)

Cooking Directions:
Pour chicken broth into a sauce pan and heat. Add celery and onion to broth and cook for approximately 5 minutes. Next, add seasonings of your choice and chicken breast and let the soup simmer until the chicken is fully cooked. Take a taste-test and add water depending on how much you would like to add to the broth.

Servings per recipe: 1
Calories: 187
Total Fat: 3g
Cholesterol: 62mg
Sodium: 573mg
Total Carbs: 13g
Dietary Fiber: 4g
Protein: 26g


HCG Phase and Stabilization Phase Friendly

This simple recipe provides a sweet and somewhat savory combination of clean flavors and a nice filling meal.

  • 3.5 oz of Chicken Breast chopped
  • ½ c of diced celery
  • 1 whole organic apple (diced)
  • 3 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg

Cooking Directions:
Cook the chicken breast filling the pan half-way with water bringing it to a slow boil. Once all of the pink is gone, the chicken is done. Combine the diced celery, apple, lemon juice and chopped chicken into a bowl. Next, add the seasonings, cinnamon, sea salt and nutmeg. Stir it all up and voila!

Servings per recipe: 1
Calories: 432
Total Fat: 6g
Cholesterol: 123g
Sodium: 733mg
Total Carbs: 46g
Dietary Fiber: 10g
Protein: 50g

By |2017-05-12T13:32:54-06:00March 20th, 2015|HCG Diet|

HCG and the Terrell Clinic Difference

Our already famous HCG Medical Weight Loss program is on special offer this month—this March, our amazing program is just $985. The last day to take advantage of special low pricing is the 31st, as the price rises to $1,300 in April. If you’ve been thinking about weight loss options and looking for programs to help you achieve your health goals, HCG might be the one for you!

We’re passionate about HCG at Terrell Clinic, because we have created a program that helps our patients develop an individual weight loss plan, tailored to their personal needs, to make sure the weight they lose stays off. The unique three-phase system we have developed doesn’t just focus on a quick-fix, it has been designed to help and support the individual on their weight loss journey at every step of the way.

Starting with a completely complimentary consultation, going through the HCG program itself, and followed by a multi-week period of personal support, evaluation, and work with a Diet Coach, our goal is to set our patients up for long term success. We offer weigh in checkups for as long as you need to feel confident and comfortable in your new, healthier body.

Weight loss is not about just looking better, it’s about feeling better—healthier, more confident, more able to use your body for all the amazing things it has been designed to do. If you’re ready to experience the difference, and looking for support on your journey, contact us to day to learn more about the Terrell Clinic difference. We can’t wait to help you get started!

By |2017-05-12T13:32:54-06:00March 14th, 2015|HCG Diet|
